Kew’s beautiful space for all.
Westerly Ware is a small gem of protected space, right next to the Thames embankment at Kew Bridge. A peaceful meeting place where you’ll find flower beds, bee hives, a large number of specially selected trees, 3 tennis courts and a children’s playground.
The Westerly Ware Association is run by a group of local residents, who in partnership with Richmond Council, help raise funds, improve and maintain the Park for the benefit of the local community and wildlife.
a space for everyone
People can meet and relax in a peaceful and pleasant green environment, where children and adults can play, and families can picnic and bring their pets.
a friendly community
The Association raises funds to improve the park through modest annual subscriptions, some generous donations and an annual Summer Party. We have regular volunteers working in the park and welcome anyone who wants to get involved.
our awards
In 2014 Westerly Ware was selected for the prestigious Green Flag Award for the highest standards across eight key judged criteria. We are delighted to have maintained this status for the past five years and also to have been given a Gold Richmond in Bloom Merit award in 2018.